How to What Do Lmao Mean | Quick Guide 2022

What does lmao mean? Laughing my ass off.

What does ‘LMAO’ stand for?

Laughing my ass off

The history of ‘LMAO’

Laughing my ass off is an expression that goes back centuries. As early as the 1600s, it was written down in the phrase “to lye out laughing.”

Laughing my ass off likely evolved from an expression of pleasure or amusement. It’s possible that someone might laugh so hard that they “lie out” – that is, they’re on their back, with their legs spread, and their stomach and chest exposed.

Laughing my ass off could also refer to a situation or event that was really funny. So, for example, if someone tells you a hilarious joke, you could say, “LMAO, that was hilarious.”

The term has been in use on the internet for years. In 2005, a blogger named Chris Pirillo started using the term to describe LOL reactions on message boards.

In 2013, the Urban Dictionary added the term LMAO to its lexicon. And in 2017, the Oxford English Dictionary added it to its online dictionary.

So, LMAO stands for laughing my ass off. And, as the expression has gained in popularity, so too has the accompanying slang – including variations such as LMFAO, LMAOcalypse, LMAOLOL, and LMAOX.

How ‘LMAO’ is used today

Laughing my ass off is a phrase used to indicate that someone found something, or said something, particularly humorous. “LMAO” is also often used as a stand-in for “lol,” which is short for “laugh out loud.”

The first usage of “LMAO” is believed to have come from the website 4chan, which is considered to be a birthplace of internet memes. In an image macro, a user would type out a phrase and then use images from the internet to complete the phrase. One of the first image macros to use “LMAO” was the image of a person with their mouth wide open and the caption “LMAO I’M OUT OF ROOM.”

Since then, “LMAO” has become an ubiquitous phrase on the internet. It is often used in image macros, Vine videos, and text messages. For example, the meme “LMAO I’M DONE” features a picture of a person with their hand over their face in disbelief.

The use of “LMAO” has been criticized for its juvenile and unprofessional nature. For example, the NFL released a 30-second ad in which players and coaches are using “LMAO” during and after the game. The ad was met with criticism, with many calling it juvenile and

The different meanings of ‘LMAO’

  1. Laughing my ass off – I’m thoroughly enjoying this situation, and laughter is the best response.
  2. Laughing my ass off hard – This is more of a provocative or angry laugh.
  3. Laughing my ass off (in a bad way) – I find this situation hilarious, but it’s making me really uncomfortable or mad.
  4. Laughing my ass off (but not really) – I’m not actually laughing, I’m just pretending to to be amused.
  5. Laughing my ass off (and I mean it) – This is definitely a laugh, and it’s genuine.
  6. Laughing my ass off (in a way that isn’t funny) – I’m really unhappy or frustrated with something, and laughter is the only way I can cope.
  7. Laughing my ass off (but not really) – I’m not actually laughing, I’m just pretending to be amused.
  8. Laughing out loud – This is a hearty, loud laugh that echoes through the room.

Why ‘LMAO’ is so popular

Laughing out loud or “LMAO” is one of the most popular online expressions. It’s an easy way to communicate with others and is often used in online chats and social media posts.

LMAO is an acronym that stands for “Laughing my ass off.” The term is used to express amusement, surprise, or simply to laugh. It’s most commonly used in online chats and social media posts, but it can also be used in real life conversations.

LMAO is often used to communicate with others. When someone laughs out loud, it’s an easy way to show that they’re amused or surprised. It can also be used to show that you’re laughing with them, not at them.

LMAO is also a way to show that you’re comfortable with someone. When someone laughs out loud, it suggests that they like and trust the person they’re laughing with.

LMAO is also a way to show that you’re confident and powerful. When someone laughs out loud, it suggests that they think that what they’re saying is funny. LMAO is often used to show that you’re in control of the situation.


Laughing my ass off is one of the best feelings ever. I think lmao is a great way to show your friends and family that you’re having a good time.

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