How to Sort By Date In Google Sheets
 | Quick Guide 2022

How to Sort By Date In Google Sheets | Quick Guide 2022

How to sort your Google Sheets data by date using the “Date” column. This is a helpful way to see your data in a more organized way and to make it easier to find specific information.

How to sort by date in Google sheets | How to order by Date

How to sort by date in google sheets

If you want to sort your data by date in Google Sheets, you can use the Date field in the Sort By dropdown menu. The Date field sorts your data by the date that it was entered, regardless of the time zone.

If you want to sort by a different column, you can use the Sort By button to the right of the field. This button lets you sort your data by any column in your sheet.

Sorting by date in google sheets

There are a couple of ways to sort sheets by date. One is to use the Date column in the spreadsheet. Unfortunately, this column is not sortable. The other option is to use the Date Range field in the spreadsheet’s Data organize window. This field is sortable, and you can use it to sort the data by date.

To use the Date Range field, first click on the column header that contains the date information. Then, in the Data organize window, click on the arrow next to the Date Range field. This will open a drop-down menu. In this menu, you can choose to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

How to organize your google sheets by date

Creating a Google Sheet to track your projects by date is a great way to keep your work organized. Here’s how to do it.

1. Open up your Google Sheet.

2. Click the “Create a new sheet” button on the top left of the sheet.

3. Give your sheet a name and fill in the basic settings.

4. To change the date format, click the “Format” dropdown and select “Date (YYYY-MM-DD).”

5. To add a column, click the “+” button next to the “Name” column and select “Date.”

6. To add a row, click the “+” button next to the “Date” column and select the date you want to track.

7. To add a column, click the “+” button next to the “Date” column and select “Task.”

8. To add a row, click the “+” button next to the “Task” column and select the task you want to track.

9. Click the “Create” button to save your changes.

The easiest way to sort by date in google sheets

  1. Open Google Sheets
  2. Click on the “File” tab at the top of the sheet
  3. Select “Sort by”
  4. In the “Sort by” box, select “Date”
  5. Click on the “Sort” button
  6. The sorted sheet will now show the data in chronological order
  7. To reverse the sort order, simply click on the “Reverse” button

    This is a simple way to sort data in Google Sheets by date.

How to make google sheets work for you: sorting by date

In google sheets, sorting by date is a quick way to see a list of recently updated data.

Simply select the column you want to sort by, and click on the “Sort by” dropdown menu.

You can then choose to sort by date, title, or updated.

This is a great way to quickly see what has been updated recently in your sheets, or to see a list of all the data in your sheet in chronological order.


Google Sheets allows users to sort data by a variety of criteria, including date. This can be helpful for organizing data or for quickly locating specific information.

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