How to Outlook Search Multiple Words | Quick Guide 2022

Do you often search for multiple words in your Outlook email address book? If so, you’re not alone. Outlook’s search feature can be a powerful tool for finding emails, contacts, and calendar events. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Outlook’s search feature to find emails, contacts, and calendar events with multiple words.

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How to search for multiple words in Outlook

If you need to search for multiple words in Outlook, you can use the Advanced Search feature.

1. In Outlook, open the Email tab, and select the message you want to search.

2. On the Home tab, click the Advanced Search button (it looks like a magnifying glass).

3. In the Advanced Search dialog box, type the keywords you want to search for, and then click the Search button.

4. The results of your search will appear in the Results pane.

5. If you want to see more information about a particular result, double-click it.

Why searching for multiple words in Outlook is important

The reason why it’s important to search for multiple words in Outlook is because Outlook stores your messages in what’s called a message store.

What this means is that your message store is constantly updating as new messages are sent to and from your Outlook account.

If you only search for one word in your message store, then Outlook will only search for messages that contain that word.

This can quickly become a problem if you’re looking for a message that’s related to a message that’s already been sent.

For example, if you were looking for a message that was sent to a colleague, and the colleague’s name contained the word “coffee”, then Outlook wouldn’t find the message that you were looking for.

Instead, Outlook would search for all messages that contained the word “coffee”, regardless of whether or not they were related to the message that you were looking for.

How to optimize your Outlook search for multiple words

There are a few ways to optimize your Outlook search for multiple words.

1. Use the wildcard symbol (*) to match any string of characters.

2. Use the plus sign (+) to add words to the end of your search term.

3. Use the minus sign (-) to subtract words from the end of your search term.

4. Use the equals sign (=) to search for exact matches.

The benefits of searching for multiple words in Outlook

If you’re ever looking for a specific piece of information in an email or document, it can be helpful to expand your search to include multiple words. For example, if you’re looking for a contact’s email address, you might expand your search to include the word “email” and the word “contact.”

By doing this, you’re increasing the chances of finding the information you’re looking for. Not only that, but you may also be surprisd at the clever and witty explanations that can be found when searching for multiple words in Outlook.

For example, if you’re looking for a contact’s email address, you might also expand your search to include the words “professional” and “witty.” This would give you a list of all of the emails that contain either of those words.

By doing this, you’re increasing the chances of finding the information you’re looking for and opening your search up to a new and unexplored area.

If you’re ever looking for a specific piece of information in an email or document, it can be helpful to expand your search to include multiple words. For example, if you’re looking for a contact’s email address, you might expand your search to include the words “email” and the word “contact.”

How to make the most out of Outlook search for multiple words

  1. For each word in the search criteria, consider what it could mean.
  2. Expand your search to include related terms and phrases.
  3. Use synonyms and related words to improve your search results.
  4. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search even further.
  5. Use the “Page: n” button to search only within the current page.
  6. Use the “Email Subject: n” button to search for a specific subject in your email messages.
  7. Use the “Email Body: n” button to search for a specific portion of your email messages.
  8. Use the “Message ID:” button to find messages with a specific message ID.
  9. Use the “Message:” button to find messages from a specific sender.


When you search for something in your Outlook email, you may find that you have to type more than one word. Outlook tries to guess the word you’re looking for based on the words that are nearby.

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