Zo gaat een snelkoppeling maken op het bureaublad in Windows.
How to make a shortcut on the desktop in Windows
A shortcut is a shortcut file. It is a small file that is stored on your computer in a specific location and it points to a certain file or program. When you right-click on a blank area of your desktop and select “Create Shortcut,” Windows creates a shortcut for you. You can then drag and drop the shortcut file onto the icon of the program or file you want it to open.
Quick and easy way to make a desktop shortcut
If you want to create a desktop shortcut to Zo go ahead and do the following:
1. Right-click on the Zo icon on your desktop and select “Create Shortcut”.
2. In the “Shortcut To” field, type “C:Program Files (x86)ZoZo.exe” and click on the “OK” button.
3. Double-click on the newly created Zo shortcut to open the Zo application.
How to make a desktop shortcut in Windows
In Windows, you can create a shortcut to any file, program, or website by right-clicking on the icon and selecting “Create Shortcut”.
To create a shortcut to Zo, right-click on the Zo icon and select “Create Shortcut”. On the General tab, type Zo into the Title field, and click OK. On the Location tab, type %USERPROFILE%DocumentsZo into the Path field, and click OK. On the Shortcut tab, type Zo.exe into the Target field, and click OK.
Now, you canright-click on the Zo shortcut and select “Properties”. On the Target tab, under “Start in”, type “C:Program Files (x86)ZoZo.exe” and click OK.
You’re now ready to use Zo!
How to create a desktop shortcut in Windows 7
- Right-click on the desktop and select New > Shortcut.
2. In the New Shortcut window, type Zo and press Enter.
3. In the Target box, type %PROFILE%Zo and press Enter.
4. In the Shortcut Target box, type c:Zo.exe and press Enter.
5. Click OK to close the New Shortcut window.
6. Right-click on the Zo shortcut and select Properties.
7. In the Target box, type %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Zo and press Enter.
8. In the Shortcut Target box, type c:Zo.exe and press Enter.
9. Click OK to close the Properties window.
10. Right-click on the Zo shortcut and select Run As Administrator.
11. Zo will start automatically.
Creating a desktop shortcut in Windows 8
To create a desktop shortcut in Windows 8, follow these steps:
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location where you want to create the shortcut.
- Right-click the desired file and select “Create Shortcut.”
- In the “Type the location of the file” dialog box, type the full path to the desired file and click OK.
- In the “Create Shortcut” dialog box, select the “Desktop” option and click OK.
- Double-click the newly created shortcut to open the desired file.
If you want to make a quick connection between two devices, such as a computer and a printer, you can use a fast USB connection. Windows has a built-in function to create a quick connection between two devices.