How to Remove Time From Date In Excel
 | Quick Guide 2022

How to Remove Time From Date In Excel | Quick Guide 2022

Removing time from a date in Excel can be a daunting task. Here are three easy steps to take to remove time from a date:

1. Select the date in Excel and click the Home tab.
2. Under the Format section, click the Number tab.
3. Under the Date and Time section, click the Remove Time button.

How to Remove Time from Date Timestamp In Excel || Excel Tips & Tricks || dptutorials

The quickest way to remove the time from a date in Excel

There are a few different ways to remove the time from a date in Excel. One way is to use the Date function. The Date function can be found in the Formulas tab of the Excel Ribbon. To use the Date function, you need to enter the date in the form MM/DD/YYYY. The following formula will remove the time from the date that you enter:


Another way to remove the time from a date in Excel

If you only need to remove the time from a date, you can use the Excel Date and Time function. The Date and Time function can be found in the Date and Time category of the Excel Ribbon. The Date and Time function has four arguments, which are the date, the time, the time zone, and the daylight saving time. The following formula will remove the time from the date that you enter:

=Date(MM/DD/YYYY,Time(),Timezone(),Daylight Savings())

If you want to remove the time from the date and the time, you can use the Date and Time function. The Date and Time function has four arguments, which are the date, the time, the time zone, and the daylight saving time. The following formula will remove the time from the date and the time:

=Date(MM/DD/YYYY,Time(),Timezone(),Daylight Savings())

How to use formulas to strip the time from a date

Excel is a great tool for working with dates and times. You can use formulas to strip the time from a date or time.

To strip the time from a date, use the =SUBSTITUTE() function. The syntax for this function is:

=SUBSTITUTE(date, “yyyy-mm-dd”, “”)

The first parameter is the date. The second parameter is the string “yyyy-mm-dd”, which is the format for a date. The third parameter is the string “”, which is the format for a blank string. The fourth parameter is the string “”, which is the format for a time. The function replaces the first three characters of the date with the time.

The difference between removing the time and reformatting the date

Removing the time from a date in Excel implies that you are focusing on just the date itself, without any time component. This can be useful if you want to focus on a specific date range, or if you are just looking for a single date.

Reformatting the date, on the other hand, implies that you are formatting the date according to the Gregorian calendar. This can be useful if you are looking to compare dates across different years, or if you are formatting dates for a presentation.

There is no right or wrong answer – it all depends on what you are looking to achieve!

How to remove the time from a date in older versions of Excel

In older versions of Excel, you could remove the time from a date by using the Date function. The Date function takes as input a date and returns a number representing the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970.

To remove the time from a date in Excel 2007 or later, use the DateValue function. The DateValue function takes as input a date and a number representing the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970.

The following example removes the time from the date 12/20/2013:

=DateValue(12/20/2013, 0)

Troubleshooting common date and time errors in Excel

If you’re having trouble formatting dates or times in Excel, here are some tips to help troubleshoot the issue.

First, make sure you’re using the appropriate date and time format. You can find the format code for dates and times in the Format Cells dialog box.

If you’re using a date format, make sure you’re using the correct format for your country and region. Excel uses the following formats:


yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss



yyyy-mm-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss


yyyy-mm-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss AM/PM

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss AM/PM


yyyy-mm-dd_HH-mm-ss AM/PM

yyyy-mm-dd_HH-mm-ss PM


yyyy-mm-dd_MM-ss AM/PM

yyyy-mm-dd_MM-ss PM




When you want to remove time from a date in Excel, you can use the Date function. This function takes as input a date and returns a new date that includes no time.

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